School Bus Clubs


School transport for various Private and Local Authority Schools

The School Bus Club is a pre-registered daily home to school and return bus service. These services are for the full or part of academic year. Our waiting lists are always open ensuring you can get a space as soon as. You can register your interest for a waiting list or specific school bus route by completing the contact us form and letting us know the service you wish to register interest for

Applications are received on a first come first serve basis, applications received after closing dates would automatically be placed on a waiting list.

We look at ways to keep things simple and easy, you can contact our office by email for more information.


Your child MUST tell the driver their name when boarding the vehicle

Passengers should be at the stop 5 MINUTES before the times stated below as the bus may arrive early and may depart early or later depending on traffic. Please be ready waiting to board as we lose time if we have to wait for those in cars with bags in the car boot. Please assist us to keep to time.

QuickPay Form